I doubt there is only one word tthat could possibly sum up who I am. Anyone who has known me for a few months can tell you the real me; I am who I am regardless of who I am with. I spend my time doing the things I love with who I love. Although I may not always seem like I know what I am doing, I am very pleased with who I am, who I am becoming and what I do.
Jesus Christ has greatly blessed my life. Without Him I would have no hope, He died for me so I live my whole life for Him. Everyone who knows me knows Christ is a huge part of my life
I am very involved with my church. I love to spend my time there helping with whatever I can and serving God. I love to help my friends better understand things and love to work with the children. I lead the singing every Sunday morning and Wednesday night! I love to sing and I use every opportunity I can.
My love for music and creativity is evident in nearly everything I do. I love to listen to Country, Christian, Alternative, Bluegrass, and so on. I almost always have a song stuck in my head or my Ipod with me. Besides for my love for music I love to write down lyrics.
Writing is a huge past time for me! I love to write stories- all with adventure, mystery, and an undercurrent of a love story in them. I have so much to say and writing is such an amazing way to express my ideas and feelings to others. Not only do I love to write I love to read. I always have a book with me and my room looks like a small libraray. Others may complain about reading a book but I complain about not having a book to read.
Lastly would be my immense love for my family and my friends (as well as my two sweet Cats). I look forward to holidays-especially Christmas- becuase I will get to see many members of my family and spend time with them. Family is a huge part of my life and without such a strong supportive family I would be a lot different.
Then I come to my friends. My life is never boring, or normal with all of the wonderful friends I have surrounding me. My friends range from Cheer- to Skaters to unknown. But each of them mean so much to me and have contributed to making me who I am. I have no clue what I would do without them all in my life.
So to wrap up who I am- although I could write more. I love Jesus Christ and God and I put them first in my life. Witness and outreach is what God has placed on my heart, and my church is very important to me. I love singing, writing, and reading- becuase through song and writing I express my self and share with others and through reading I escape into another world. I love my famiy and friends and love to spend as much time with all of them as possible. I am not perfect just forgiven by the grace of God and I choose to live my life happily and fully always giving all the praise to God for everything and everyone that I have been blessed with in my life!