Sunday, March 27, 2011

People....where is this country going without God??

I don't get people sometimes. They don't acknowledge God and they hinder others from learnign about God. I mean when one person does one thing wrong why does it equal everyone being punished? Why do parents take away a place (like church)  that will only better thier children? Is there no fear of God in this world anymore? The Parents will answer for the way they raised their children and the examples they led by. The Bible tells us to lead by example. Do these type of parents not understand the meaning behind that?

When a young girl talks to you and doesn't quite understand what is going on in her family...and you can't help. The parents need to stand up and find God and lead their children in that direction. What is this country going to end up as if parents do not teach their children about God? If the parents have rejected God do not hinder the children from learning about God and serving Him. Where will this country be without God and Christian morals enstilled in the children?

The people who are hindering the children from learning about God and all that Jesus did for us do not understand the long lasting result. At one point those children who do not know Biblical principles will be the adults. They will be in charge of different things and they will then be setting the example for younger generations.

There is a battle raging for the hearts and minds of the children and teens in This country of America!! If the parents and house holds will not stand up and do what they have been entrusted to do by God....then we as Churches, Christian Schools, and Followers of Christ must stand up and take action. If we all stand by and wait for something to happen we are aiding the enemy and letting the future of our Counry turn to people who do not know God or His Word.

As long as I am breathing and alive I will always minister to people in these situations. I will ensure that my churches doors always remain open to all kinds of people. That I am willing to help, accepting, and loving! This country and this generation needs God!! It is time for us to stand up and affect the children and teens...and by reaching them with the word of God affecting the houses they come from. It is now time for a revival...who is with me??

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