Sunday, March 18, 2012

Relax God's got a plan

There are those days when you want to ask why you have to deal with stuff?
But then you look around at the people that God has placed in your life.
Then you realize all though times may be tough God has given you everyone and everything you need to get through it.

God is so good to us, and often times we do not realize it. He brings the perfect people into our lives, right when we are completely ready for them. It's even better when you know the people He's brought into your life are there to stay.

Also certain people can make you smile even on your worst day. So as hard as it may be relax and know that God has a plan and is in control. :)

Thursday, March 15, 2012


People don't realize that when you say something you mean it. And it's like seriously we aren't all little kids anymore. Take us at our word and just believe us. We know the world around us, but eventually you have to let us make our own decisions.  And please stop making our lives more difficult and treating us like we are too young or inferior.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Some days it all seems too much
You want to throw in the towel...and give up

The friends who once were there
Hurt you and don't seem to care

You keep on smiling
While the days are never ending

They may mean well
But it seems you're going through hell

You've been lost before
Doubts were asailing you to the core

The fear of forever alone
It chills you to the bone

Then suddenly it changes
Everything rearranges

Feelings you can't explain
Things will never be the same

Hold your breath and take a chance
See what may come from that first dance

Monday, March 12, 2012

Always love you

No matter what people say
No matter what people do
No matter what comes our way
I will always love you. 

Friday, March 9, 2012

Joseph Kony 2012...He Must Be Stopped!!


Everyone watch and share this video on all of your online things! Then get involved! Go and get awareness started! Together we can do this!!!!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Cross at Calvary

What is it that represents so much for so many?

What changed so many lives like dark to light?

What showed the world truth and power?

Why is the place of the skull known?

Where was holy blood shed for others?

Where was unfailing love poured out?

What could a simple tree become?

What do three simple nails have in common?

Where was a sign hung above?

Why do we have hope and salvation?

How can we have unwavering faith?

One word answers all of these and forever will it stand

…the Cross at Calvary.