Wednesday, November 24, 2010

What is love to you?

        Love is when:  you care about someone and would be there when ever they needed you, when your around them and time stands still you are happy because you are with them and you don't need anyone else.  You both share a believe in God and Christ is your saviour and you can trust them with anything.
        He would never betray you and always care for you. He will be a shoulder to cry on and arms to hold you when you need someone to support youSomeone who makes you laugh when you don't want to and knows just what to say when you are upset or hurt, they are patient and understanding in the hardest of times.
       He will always defend you and protect you  keeping you safe from harm. He will go with you to everything and show his care for you in the simplest ways. And when things don't go right and no one understand he will understand you and be there for you.
         He will take you even with all of your flaws and love you for who you are. He will never get tired of you he makes life fun, and new every time your together there is never a dull moment.  Without each other something wouldn't be right, and you can be miles away but will always think of each other.
         You fight with him and right when you are about to fall asleep ,still angry, he calls and you stay up all night talking with him, because you can't stay mad at each other. He apologizes and blames himself, but you just laugh and feel the relief that he is still there and not gone.
        You have this feeling of completion with only him, no one else is even close to him. You have other friends but can't wait until you are with him again. Every moment you are together it feels like you have all the time in the world and everything is perfect, nothing could go wrong.
       It's 3a.m. and you're sick or can't sleep so you call him and he talks with you until you fall asleep. Then the next morning he brings you one of your favorite soups and hugs you, letting you know he truly cares.
       There is something special, that is very hard to explain and it can be seen by how you look into each others eyes and act around each other... simply put it can be seen that you are In Love.

So what is love? You tell me, it is a different feeling for each person... but this is love to me!


Thanksgiving~ one word which is mainly only used during this season/time of the year. One word but there is more than one way of looking at it.

Thanksgiving is a time when we gather together with those we love and we thank God for all that He has done for us throughout the year and throughout all our lives. But there is more than just saying a simple thank you. When you see someone who is not included or lonely...welcome them and help them. For Christ has told us whenever we help the least of these we help and honour Him, but when we ignore them we ignore Him and dishonour Him.

So I am very thankful for all that I have in my life and there are so many blessing that the list could go on and on- from small to huge things. I know though that I will show my thanks to all who are around me, not just by saying thank you to God for them, but by actually demonstrating to them my love and thankfulness for them.

Here in the land of the Free and 'One Nation Under God' where we say 'In God We Trust', I give thanks for a country in which this holiday is recognized. Because if it were not for God we would not have this country and this opportunity, nor would we have the people in our lives to show our love, thanks, and gratitude to.

So tomorrow as you gather around the Turkey thank God, but go a step further and actually take action to show your thanks to those in your life!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The thoughts inside your mind.

Have you ever thought that every person who walks by you is thinking about a different thing. Every person is dwelling on something going on in their lives, many people are thinking about what makes them want to go sit in a corner all alone and cry. No two people see every situation the same and they think and think until they are so upset or confused that they just want to quit. For some reason today as I walked into school this thought was going through my mind... as I think about people thinking about life what are they thinking about in their own minds?

Becareful for the mind is one place where we can easily get lost. Because in our minds we can make up whatever we want, and imagine whatever we please. But we must be careful because otherwise we may try to escape from the truth of reality.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A prayer to the Lord!

         Lord I pray that you break my heart for what breaks yours!

         Lord Jesus though I am not perfect I am forgiven, I thank you for that and know that through you I would be nothing. I pray that you give me words of wisdom as I walk through life and a peace and understanding strait from you. I want to live my life as an example of your great love. Please God watch over those that you have brought into my life and help me to make a difference each and every day in someone else live whether it be big or small. Thank you God and I love you... watch over me this week and all my life, help me to stay in your love and mercy all the days of my life!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Pray before you leap!

Have you ever noticed how we tend to leap into a situation without careful thought and consideration? No prayer or hesitation?

Then what will happen when you realize this wasn't right, many long nights. No now you find yourself wanting to leap out but now you have no help. You begin to pray for a way out... and you realize one continuous thing, you can do nothing without God himself.

So from now on when you begin to leap, you stop yourself and say remember last time pray first leap after.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

School memories are made because of your best friends.

Nothing to do at school today...just another usual day. Sitting here in my third hour wondering when I will be able to get out of here and head to the best class of the day. Spending this class laughing with my two best friends. Days and classes like these are what I will hold on to and always remember, even when school is long gone. What you learned you will remember but what you laughed at with your best friends is what you will still laugh at long after you have left. School can either be a place of hate or a place of laughter and enjoyment...who you spend your time with will result in how your school memories are made. Good or Bad, Happy or Sad. The people you remember will always be your best friends.

Monday, November 8, 2010

What do you think?

So many different views of things here on this Earth. I wonder to myself what do you think? Many people are quick to tell you what they think... but how often do we stop and ask what others think first. Although sometimes we want it to, the world does not revolve around us. And this can be a hard lesson to learn!